Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Rainy Day

The rain has been building up quite a bit here over the past week. This was the rain yesterday. 

It was like a monsoon out there!


It rained so much that some black and purple bubbles started backing up out of the drain in the kitchen floor! Disaster control had to come to the rescue and put a bandage over the drain.

Yeah, I have to take the Sail down when it rains, but the weather cools down quite a bit

To make things worse, Stephany was out getting groceries when the rain started! She was splashed by a few buses on the way home, but she was rewarded for her hard work with flowers :-)


  1. Your apt still looks so nice, even with the rain pouring. And flowers in pretty vases, nice touch Jameson! Wonder what it's like to go grocery shopping in the city, we picture lots of markets. Love the blog and love you guys too!

  2. Even the weather is making you feel right at home, muggy and lots of rain. Looks like Florida when it rains 'buckets'. Stephy, remember when you were around 12 I picked you and your sisters up one rainy day. It rained so hard the streets quickly became flooded and we had trouble finding a way to my house. All you girls could think of, including Amber, was how neat it would be to skim board :)
