Monday, March 18, 2013

Wind Sail

There is no other way to describe the weather here outdoors in Medellin other than beautiful! Since we live on the top floor of an apartment, there is a certain time of day when the heat below rises up to us, and the sun heats things up inside our place (~85 degrees F inside, and 80 outside). At it's worst, it's not all too bad, but it doesn't feel as nice as it does outside. Houses here don't have A/C, so everyone leaves some type of window or door open.

I noticed that the wind is always blowing through the trees outside, but it blows down the street and not so much inside our apartment. After brainstorming a little bit with materials we had lying around, I decided to build a "sail" while stephany was sleeping of course :-). We had just received our boxes that we shipped here from Florida, so we had some nice strong cardboard lying around. Here's what I came up with....

Enter: The Cardboard Sail

 With its sleek and aerodynamic design, cool refreshing air can be piped right into your living room!

The Sail's large surface area scoops a generous amount of air to keep you and your family comfortable

 Its natural appearance is hardly noticeable by the passers by as it blends in with local vegetation.

I'm pretty sure I heard someone say, "Hey look! Is that a sail? It blends in so well that I hardly noticed it." 
They were speaking Spanish though, so that could be a slight misinterpretation.

To test the Sail, I hung a piece of floss to measure how much air this thing was moving. This is before installing the sail.

This is after.... Clearly an improvement...

This thing works pretty nicely. It's not much to look at on the outside, and there were doubters at first, but they have come to appreciate the refreshing breeze that it brings inside around the hot part of the day!


  1. VERY COOL JAMESON! no pun intended :)

  2. Our creative and rather witty Jameson, nice work. Stephany,can't see you getting bored, keep having fun, great part of life :-)

  3. I was laughing so much at this. My favorite:

    "I'm pretty sure I heard someone say, "Hey look! Is that a sail? It blends in so well that I hardly noticed it." 
    They were speaking Spanish though, so that could be a slight misinterpretation."

  4. HAHA! Yeah man, I get curious looks each time I put that thing out the window. I'm pretty sure someone is going to copy this idea and make millions (of pesos) around here.

    Steph and I added a new feature to prevent the sail from sliding down the rail when a strong wind blows. It's pretty much a recycled water bottle with a string (definately not ghetto looking). Now it works even better because the sail captures the strong breezes too!
